Monday, March 24, 2014

Breakdown of the Marriage Equality in the US

Same Sex Marriage Legal
     -District of Columbia
     -New Hampshire
     -New Jersey
     -New Mexico
     -New York
     -Rhode Island

Same-Sex Marriage Banned
     -Colorado (Recognizes Civil Union)
     -Kentucky (ban on marriages from other states has been ruled unconstitutional)
     -Nevada (AG Will No Longer Defend Ban)
     -North Carolina
     -North Dakota
     -Oregon (AG Will No Longer Defend Band)
     -South Carolina
     -South Dakota
     -Tennessee (Being Required to Recognize Marriages Performed in Other States)
     -West Virginia

States Whose Ban Has Been Ruled Unconstitutional (rulings have been stayed pending appeal)

All the bans that have been ruled unconstitutional have come since the historical ruling during that ruled the Defense of Marriage Act and Proposition 8, the California ban on same-sex marriage unconstitutional. The Federal government is taking steps to protect same-sex couples and their families whether the state they reside recognizes their marriage or not.
     "the (Justice) department will consider a marriage valid for purposes of the marital privilege if an individual is or was validly married in a jurisdiction authorized to sanction marriages, regardless of whether the marriage is or would have been recognized in the state where the married individuals reside or formerly resided, or where the civil or criminal action has been brought." ~ Attorney General Eric Holder

Thursday, March 20, 2014


I guess I should tell you guys a bit about myself. I am an 18 year old, recent high school graduate. I am also female to male transgender. I live in NC but will soon be moving back to Ohio where I'm from to start college. I will be a psychology major and hope to one day have my PhD and run my own counseling practice. I want to help people who have felt as bad and alone as I have growing up. I come from a very tight knit family but for a long time I was terrified to tell them who I really was, especially my parents (my father is a complete homophobe). When I was 14, I attempted suicide but luckily my best friend doesn't know how to knock or ask permission before walking into someone's house lol. After that I came to terms with who I was and decided that I could have the life I'd always dreamed of and I wasn't going to let anyone take that from me or make me feel so bad that I took it from myself. Now at age 18, I am very open about who I am with everyone but my parents. Somehow they haven't completely caught on. My friends and the rest of my family are very supportive, most days I don't know what I would do without them. My best friend, the same one that saved my life, lets me leave a lot of my clothes, like shirts and ties, at her house and I have a key so I can get in and get them whenever I want. My aunt and uncle who are like my parents and most likely will be when I get married someday, have been amazing. They are supportive and they make sure that I know no matter what I am loved. My grandfather, who I thought would be against it has also been so amazing. In fact he was just more upset that I waited so long to tell him the truth, he thought I didn't trust him, I feel kind of dumb for ever thinking my sexuality or gender identity would change his love for me. And my awesome cousin, she is almost twice my age and we didn't actually meet until 2009, but since then she has been my rock and my go to for advice. She is always willing to take a few minutes even when she is crazy busy which she usually is, to help me out or give advice on whatever I need. I know this is getting kind of long so I will just finish with this, if you ever feel different or alone and feel taking your life is your only escape, please know that suicide is not the answer. You are cheating yourself out of the life you deserve and leaving people who love you behind. There are always people out there who love you and who will love you no matter what.


 I apologize for my absence I had some personal things to deal with as well as graduating. Now that I have the semester off I will try and update everyday or every other day. Love is love!

Friday, August 30, 2013

Justice Ginsburg

Sorry its been so long since my last post but I'm back now and will be trying to update at least once every week.
So now over 2 months from the big win in the Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg becomes the first Supreme Court justice to officiate a same-sex marriage. The President of the Kennedy center, Michael M. Kaiser and partner John Roberts were married Saturday.

Justice Ginsburg was one of the 5 justices to strike down a section of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) in June. Justice Ginsburg stated that this ceremony will be one more statement that people who love each and want to live to together should be able to enjoy the blessing of marriage. Same-sex marriage is not legal in DC and 13 states.

Since the defeat of DOMA several states especially those without explicit bans have had cases go to court. Couples are fighting for their right to be equal in every way! We have made great strides but we aren't done. Not until we have full equality and protection under the United States Constitution! LOVE IS LOVE!!


Monday, June 24, 2013

Gender Sterotypes

Why is everyone so concerned about labels? White or black, male or female, gay or straight; aren't we all at the core the same. People allow themselves to be defined by the labels society assigns to them and it is time to change that. However, politicians like Representative Phil Gingrey, a Republican from Georgia wants to go back in time. He feels that children should be taught at a very young age what the traditional gender roles are and adhere to them. Gingrey: "...maybe at the grade school level, and have a class for the young girls and have a class for the young boys and say, you know this what's important. The is what a father does that is maybe a little different, maybe a little bit better than the talents that a mom as in a certain area. And the same thing for the young girls, that you know, this is what a mom does, and this is what is important from the standpoint of that union we call marriage."
Now is is true parents each parent plays a specific role in the development but whoever said that a male and female had to fill those roles. There have been several studies done to show that children of homosexual studies thrive just as well if not better than children of heterosexual couples. 2 females or 2 males can fill the roles needed for healthy childhood development because we do not all fall into the gender stereotypes of the past. I personally can not stand stereotypes, just because I act or dress a certain way doesn't define me. People would rather judge each other on the basis of stereotypes than actually get to know each other. People like Rep. Gingrey are why in some areas our country is still not made progress to complete gender equality; why women still on average make a third less than men and why children who don't meet stereotypes are bullied.

Saturday, June 8, 2013


The 2012 Presidential election was the start of the most recent push for equality. During the election, 3 states; Maine, Maryland, and Washington passed laws for marriage equality. Bringing the total at the time to 9. In the last month, 3 new states have brought that total to 12. Rhode Island, Delaware, and Minnesota are the most recent states to step up on the right side of history. There are now laws for marriage equality in Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut,  Delaware, Maryland, The District of Colombia, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, Minnesota, Iowa, and Washington. The next state to add laws for marriage equality could be Illinois, where they are in the last 15 days of their legislative session.
Not only was the victory won with the passage of new state laws but it was also won with the election of several pro-equality politicians. 10 out of 12 anti-LGBT candidates lost in major elections and the first openly gay senator was elected. These past few months have seen great victories for the LGBT community and its allies but it has also seen its struggles. The Supreme Court has yet to make a final ruling on the unconstitutional California Proposition 8, and the Federal Defense of Marriage Act. With the victories thus far this year, it looks like equality is winning!

Brittney Griner

Recently all the talk about professional athletes coming out have come from the men's side however the women have also been making great strides. Brittney Griner #1 draft pick to the Phoenix Mercury has been making history in her own right becoming the first openly gay athlete to sign with Nike. BG is breaking down barriers by just being herself. She is who she is and I think that is a lesson we can all learn. It helps young women who don't fit the traditional female stereotype to see someone like Brittney Griner stand up and say yes I'm a lesbian and I'm comfortable with who I am. Thought Griner is not the first professional female athlete to come out she is the first whose coming out has made major press. ESPN is running a new article and interview on Brittney Griner and personally I feel it is one that everyone should read and watch. Keep up the good work BG and keep working those bow ties. Go Mercury!!