Monday, March 24, 2014

Breakdown of the Marriage Equality in the US

Same Sex Marriage Legal
     -District of Columbia
     -New Hampshire
     -New Jersey
     -New Mexico
     -New York
     -Rhode Island

Same-Sex Marriage Banned
     -Colorado (Recognizes Civil Union)
     -Kentucky (ban on marriages from other states has been ruled unconstitutional)
     -Nevada (AG Will No Longer Defend Ban)
     -North Carolina
     -North Dakota
     -Oregon (AG Will No Longer Defend Band)
     -South Carolina
     -South Dakota
     -Tennessee (Being Required to Recognize Marriages Performed in Other States)
     -West Virginia

States Whose Ban Has Been Ruled Unconstitutional (rulings have been stayed pending appeal)

All the bans that have been ruled unconstitutional have come since the historical ruling during that ruled the Defense of Marriage Act and Proposition 8, the California ban on same-sex marriage unconstitutional. The Federal government is taking steps to protect same-sex couples and their families whether the state they reside recognizes their marriage or not.
     "the (Justice) department will consider a marriage valid for purposes of the marital privilege if an individual is or was validly married in a jurisdiction authorized to sanction marriages, regardless of whether the marriage is or would have been recognized in the state where the married individuals reside or formerly resided, or where the civil or criminal action has been brought." ~ Attorney General Eric Holder

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