The 2012 Presidential election was the start of the most recent push for equality. During the election, 3 states; Maine, Maryland, and Washington passed laws for marriage equality. Bringing the total at the time to 9. In the last month, 3 new states have brought that total to 12. Rhode Island, Delaware, and Minnesota are the most recent states to step up on the right side of history. There are now laws for marriage equality in Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, The District of Colombia, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, Minnesota, Iowa, and Washington. The next state to add laws for marriage equality could be Illinois, where they are in the last 15 days of their legislative session.
Not only was the victory won with the passage of new state laws but it was also won with the election of several pro-equality politicians. 10 out of 12 anti-LGBT candidates lost in major elections and the first openly gay senator was elected. These past few months have seen great victories for the LGBT community and its allies but it has also seen its struggles. The Supreme Court has yet to make a final ruling on the unconstitutional California Proposition 8, and the Federal Defense of Marriage Act. With the victories thus far this year, it looks like equality is winning!
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